Me and one of my boys.

Dad, designer and entrepreneur by night

Why I started this

I'm a designer and developer. And I've worked on VR in the past. When I'd capture requirements from a stakeholder, I realised there was a missing link.

How do you quickly mock-up an idea and test it with your team? Design, development, they used the same tools and skill level. Unity or Unreal. Painful, time consuming and fraught with accessibility barriers to stakeholders and clients.

Design needs simplicity

Fast forward to now, there are apps out there. ShapesXR is an in-VR design tool that offers Oculus users a fantastic opportunity to create interactive prototypes while immersed in the virtual world. Spline and Bezel are browser-based desktop apps that let you knock-up 3D creations collaboratively. And there are others.

But they require skill. And for VR to be less risky and costly, we need to iterate together. Sketch matchbox-sized ideas little and often. Scrappy concepts that are just about interactive. Work fast, discuss fast, fail and try again fast. Think Miro or Balsamiq. I wanted this when I developed for VR. And during research, others said they wanted it too.

Matchboxxr is only a step. I want to bring design-thinking practices into the XR/VR space in other ways. Training, workshops, templates, best practices and more.

Working as a sole founder

So I started matchboxxr in January 2022. Right now, I work full-time as a UX designer. I have two boys. And by night, between bottles and nappy changes, I'm building my dream.

I pay for everything and burn the midnight oil to get things done. If you believe in what I'm doing and see value in bringing UX to XR, then please consider helping me out via my Buy Me A Coffee profile.

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